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WoT Show Season 2: Episode 8
Everything is going down at Falme! The Whitecloaks attack! Elayne and Nynaeve launch their rescue attempt of Egwene! Mat summons the Heroes of the Horn! Perrin makes b...

WoT Show Season 2: Episode 7
Rand must escape his captivity from the Amyrlin Seat. So he asks Lanfear for help. She helps by blowing up Cairhien. Then Rand, Moiraine, Lan, and Lanfear all team up ...

WoT Show Season 2: Episode 6
Egwene, Nynaeve, and Elayne get familiar with the Seanchan, which is unpleasant. Rand hangs out in Cairhien with Moiraine's family, which is awkward. Mat discovers tha...

WoT Show Season 2: Episode 5
We spend a lot of time watching Moiraine and Verin, neither of whom does much worth mentioning. So forget that sentence. Perrin meets Aviendha, who is pretty cool. Als...

WoT Show Season 2: Episode 4
Nynaeve, Egwene, and Elayne walk right into Liandrin's Seachan trap (the first of many, perhaps). Selene is revealed to be Lanfear when Moiraine runs her through with ...