All Episodes

Displaying 121 - 150 of 189 in total

LoC: Chapter 53-Epilogue

Perrin leads a desperate chase to free Rand before it's too late. It culminates in a showdown that will change the worldwide balance of power. Those Aes Sedai should h...

LoC: Chapters 49-52

After an angry encounter with the Salidar Aes Sedai, Rand flees to Cairhien where he gets in much worse trouble. Luckily Perrin is back, because Rand is going to need ...

LoC: Chapters 44-48

Perrin meets his in-laws. It turns out that they are crazy, which explains why his wife is also crazy. Meanwhile, Mat, Elayne, and Nynaeve arrive in Ebou Dar, the city...

LoC: Chapters 38-43

Mat arrives in Salidar and executes his favorite tactic of barging in and making wrong assumptions. Then Min arrives in Caemlyn with the Salidar Aes Sedai delegation a...

LoC: Chapters 32-37

Egwene gets spanked by a belt, travels through the dream, then gets elected boss of all Aes Sedai for her trouble. Worth it. Then, Mat gets sent to Salidar by Rand via...

LoC: Chapters 28-31

Rand is attacked by a Grey Man, who is immediately destroyed by Taim, who couldn't be more suspicious if he tried. Meanwhile, Nynaeve does the impossible and Heals Log...

LoC: Chapters 25-27

Rand studies the Andoran history of kissing cousins, while Egwene gets some hands-on (lips-on?) practice in kissing with Gawyn. Then Rand meets the White Tower's deleg...

LoC: Chapters 20-24

Egwene is almost back in action. Mat fends off a sneak attack by some mystery Aiel and finds a grisly message. Rand meets some semi-friendly Ogier and takes them on a ...

LoC: Chapters 16-19

Rand splits his time between ruling Caemlyn and Cairhien, and gets an message from Sammael that is pleasantly worded but unpleasantly delivered. Then Egwene and Rand h...

LoC: Chapters 13-15

Nynaeve and Elayne discover that the fate of the world hinges on a mysterious bowl in a locked room in a city with no street signs. Then they survive a furniture attac...

LoC: Chapters 10-12

Rand takes a break from ruling Caemlyn to reach out to some friendly Aes Sedai and gets a nasty surprise. Meanwhile, the Salidar Aes Sedai find out that the fastest wa...

LoC: Chapters 7-9

Elayne and Nynaeve are feeling stifled now that they’re back to being Accepted and no longer in charge. Then we check in with the leader of the Whitecloaks who has no ...

LoC: Chapters 5-6

Mat is now a general in charge of his own army: The Band of the Red Hand. How cool is that? He generals all day and parties all night as he prepares to enact Rand's se...

LoC: Chapters 1-4

Rand hasn't been resting. In between taking on 5 swordsmen at once for practice (and winning!) and taking on the mad ghost in his head (and not really winning) he's be...

LoC: Prologue

The lengthy prologue of Lord of Chaos follows various evil-doers (and a few good-doers) as they plot their next move now that Rand has set the world spinning in a new ...

tFoH: Chapters 53-56

Rand takes the fight to Rahvin himself, in Caemlyn! Mat and Aviendha come along for the ride, and there's a special guest appearance by Nynaeve. Killing a Forsaken is ...

tFoH: Chapters 50-52

In Cairhien, Rand and Mat both find their relationship troubles turn deadly. In Mat's case it's a sexy darkfriend. For Rand it's a millenia-old ex girlfriend who skins...

tFoH: Chapters 47-49

Nynaeve and Elayne leave the menagerie and fight their way aboard a ship headed for Salidar and the good Aes Sedai. It turns out that an army of Shienarans is very use...

tFoH: Chapters 43-46

It all goes down outside the gates of Cairhien. A massive battle resolves the Shaido issue in a river of blood as Rand invents artillery warfare. Mat accidentally take...

tFoH: Chapters 38-42

Nynaeve takes a break from the circus and has a fun day in the city. She meets a one-eyed soldier, a mad prophet, and a sexy Whitecloak. Meanwhile Mat is slowly losing...

tFoH: Chapters 33-37

Nynaeve and Elayne are having a grand old time after joining the circus but things go very wrong very fast when Nynaeve gets in a dream-fight with Moghedien. Her usual...

tFoH: Chapters 27-32

Siuan Sanche sells her plan to the Aes Sedai in Salidar, despite Gareth Bryne's untimely intrusion. Then, Rand and Aviendha teleport to the other side of the world, bu...

tFoH: Chapters 21-26

Rand leads the Aiel after Couladin's trail of destruction while Egwene follows her bliss and walks herself into another trap. Meanwhile Siuan rejoins the Aes Sedai she...

tFoH: Chapters 16-20

There's a lot of running away in this chapter. Nynaeve and Elayne have to run away when they're spotted by Galad (who is now a Whitecloak, boo). To hide, they join the...

tFoH: Chapters 11-15

While Siuan and company learn to make their way in the wide world without being able to channel, Nynaeve learns some hard lessons in her dreams. Lesson one: watch out ...

tFoH: Chapters 6-10

Rand and Mat barely survive an attack by Darkhounds, then Rand finally decides to move the Aiel. Meanwhile Nynaeve and Elayne employ their tried-and-true investigation...

tFoH: Chapters 2-5

In Rhuidean, Egwene studies dreamwalking with the Wise Ones while Rand (ahem, that's Lord Dragon Car'a'carn Rand al'Thor to you) tries to complete the set of Aiel clan...

tFoH: Prologue - Chapter 1

As The Fires of Heaven opens, we take a tour of various dastardly deeds and shadowy meetings that bode ill for the forces of Light. Also, Siuan Sanche and company have...

tSR: Chapters 55-58

Glorious! Perrin and his Emond's Field crew have their final showdown with the Trolloc hordes, and it doesn't seem like anything can save them. Meanwhile, Rand finally...

tSR: Chapters 51-54

It's all coming to a head! Nynaeve and Elayne finally strike at the Black Ajah (accompanied by their Seanchan BFF Egeanin) while Perrin and Faile decide that a Trolloc...

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