Micah Sparkman

Micah Sparkman

Appears in 189 Episodes

aMoL: Chapters 26-29

You're not going to believe this: the war is going even worse than before. The political leaders finally realize the dark source of their generals' troubles. Egwene me...

aMoL: Chapters 23-25

We thought the war was going bad before, but now it's really going downhill. Rand heads to his fate in the Pit of Doom. Mat and the Seanchan mobilize to join the fight...

aMoL: Chapters 19-22

Things are going from worse to worser on the battlefield. Egwene learns that the Sharan ambush was led by the previously missing Demandred. Perrin gets sidetracked fro...

aMoL: Chapters 15-18

The various battles against the Shadowspawn are intensifying and worsening. Mat painstakingly sneaks into Tuon's palace, only to find out that he lives there. Then Ran...

aMoL: Chapters 11-14

War is everywhere. Rand and Perrin both encounter Lanfear in dreams. Mat decides to join an ongoing Seanchan assassination competition. Things go well at the Black Tow...

aMoL: Chapters 7-10

As Elayne gets down to business to defeat the Dark One, the war opens on four fronts. Luckily she has four top-flight generals to handle them. She personally oversees ...

aMoL: Chapters 4-6

While Androl and Pevara lead a rescue mission that would make Nynaeve proud, Rand presents his organizing document to the Lords and Ladies (and Egwenes) of the land. T...

aMoL: Chapters 1-3

Rand and Perrin catch up, then Rand and Aviendha "catch up". Meanwhile things are getting serious for Androl and Pevara, who need to get into each other's heads to get...

aMoL: Prologue

We keep hearing about who is no bloody hero, but in this prologue Talmanes shows us what a bloody hero bloody looks like. We also check in with various schemes and plo...

ToM: Chapters 55-Epilogue

Mat makes good his escape from the world of the foxy folk with the aid of luck, bombs, and an unexpected sacrifice. Egwene, Elayne, and finally Rand have arrived at th...

ToM: Chapters 52-54

Mat and his companions venture into the Tower of Ghenjei. They meet up with those foxy fellows, who are good at both riddles and skinning people. Mat will have to keep...

ToM: Chapters 47-51

Perrin meets Elayne and they hash out the consequences of his kinda-rebellion in her kinda-kingdom. Faile takes care of the details for him since this is more of a tal...

ToM: Chapters 41-46

Perrin finally wins Galad over with his "rescue you and all your friends from Trolloc cookpots" plan. Combined with his previous plans ("destroy the Dragonsworn", "des...

ToM: Chapters 36-40

Egwene springs Mesaana's trap with a trap of her own. It turns out that Mesaana has another trap for Egwene inside her trap. Egwene has to figure out how to trap Mesaa...

ToM: Chapters 32-35

Ituralde's no good very bad day of siege ends when Rand arrives and gives him a special one-time demonstration of what happens when Trollocs meet a Dragon. Perrin atte...

ToM: Chapters 27-31

While Egwene consolidates her Tower power, things are getting desperate for Ituralde. Even if you win a street battle, if they're your streets it's a bad day. Then Mat...

ToM: Chapters 23-26

Elayne has a really good idea and decides to mix it up with the Black Ajah by herself and gets a dagger in the side for her trouble. While Ituralde remains besieged, R...

ToM: Chapters 20-22

Nynaeve finally takes the test to become a full Aes Sedai. Her success depends on her skill (which is good) and her tact (which is not good). Also, Ituralde leads a fi...

ToM: Chapters 16-19

Faile works out her issue with Perrin with a romantic evening. Then she works out her issue with Berelain with a knife fight. Mat presents his plan for vastly increasi...

ToM: Chapters 9-15

Mat runs into his old friend the gholam in their favorite hang-out spot: a puddle of Mat's buddy's blood. Then Perrin meets Galad, who confirms that the best of Whitec...

ToM: Chapters 4-8

Perrin starts to make progress with his wolfish nature, boding well for his state of mind. His state of body is less secure though, since his army has encountered Gala...

WoT Show S1 E4-8

We finished Season 1 of the Wheel of Time TV Show! Our final review: could be better! The changes to the plot and characterization left us fuddled. Who is this show fo...

ToM: Prologue-Chapter 3

After a surprisingly relevant prologue, Rand returns from his mountain retreat. He has used the time hanging out on his own funeral mound to get in touch with his inne...

Show Episodes 2-4

We progressed through the first half of Season 1 of the Wheel of Time TV show! We generally think that where they followed the books, things are looking good, and wher...

WoT S1E1

We watched episode 1 of the Wheel of Time TV show! The one starring Rosamund Pike, not the one starring Billy Zane. We talk about what we liked (a lot), and what we di...

tGS: Chapters 47-Epilogue

After Cadsuane contrives a meeting between him and Tam, Rand spirals into mental instability. His plan to massacre the Seanchan goes off the rails (if genocide can be ...

tGS: Chapters 42-46

Rand is not doing very well as he gives up on the omnishambles he's created in Arad Doman and goes to meet with that borderlander army that has been hanging around for...

tGS: Chapters 38-41

Egwene gets a very special present from the mysterious Verin who finally (and permanently) demystifies herself. Then the long-Foretold Seanchan attack happens, and Egw...

tGS: Chapters 33-37

Mat received a surprise visit from the ever-mysterious Verin. She hands him another mystery. Then Rand solves the Graendal problem using a tactic that she'd never see ...

tGS: Chapters 29-32

The new grimdark Rand searches for clues to Graendal's whereabouts in Bandar Eban. Nynaeve helps the only way she knows how: kicking down doors and beating people up.Y...

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