Micah Sparkman

Micah Sparkman

Appears in 189 Episodes

tSR: Chapters 47-50

Turns out Min is always right. The Tower is in turmoil as Siuan Sanche is deposed by a cabal led by Elaida. Meanwhile Rand is upset when the forces of darkness invade ...

tSR: Chapters 43-46

Perrin leads his friends and neighbors in glorious battle against the forces of darkness! Not bad for a blacksmith with a wolf complex. Meanwhile Nynaeve and Elayne pu...

tSR: Chapters 39-42

Nynaeve and team finally arrive in Tanchico, and have no idea what they've gotten into. Meanwhile Perrin kills Trollocs as planned. He also figures out that all he had...

tSR: Chapters 34-38

We get our first real glimpse of Aiel life. Egwene begins her Dream job, some obviously evil new people show up, and Rand starts acting crazy(er). Luckily, Mat has got...

tSR: Chapters 29-33

It's all Perrin all the time this episode! Perrin returns to Emond's Field and finds it being oppressed under the twin thumbs of Whitecloaks and Trollocs. He rallies t...

tSR: Chapters 24-28

Mat explores another dimension through another twisted doorway in another ghost city. This time he manages to steal zero knives. Rand relives the lives of his ancestor...

tSR: Chapters 19-23

We finally get to hear Rand's big announcement: he's taking some time off to get in touch with his roots. Meanwhile Elayne and Nynaeve take ship with the Sea Folk wher...

tSR: Chapters 13-18

Here's a digressive episode for you! Jordan's romantic writing has us discussing consent, and we also contrast his  curiously recurring characters with those of his ar...

tSR: Chapters 8-12

A lot happens here! Selene finally clues Rand in on her true identity, Rand starts acting like a hero (good thing with all these Trollocs around), and Egwene learns to...

tSR: Chapters 3-7

Our heroes divide their time between recovering from the magic attacks, interrogating Darkfriends, and working out their relationship issues. Which one of those is the...

tSR: Chapters 1-2

Here we go again! After some recaps and foreshadowing, we rejoin Rand and Co in the Stone of Tear, where there are strange goings-on.Will Perrin defeat the twin threat...

tDR: Chapters 50-56

This is the big finish! All our story lines come together again as everyone chips in to help Rand prove that he's the Dragon Reborn (for the second time) and defeats B...

tDR: Chapters 44-49

Mat follows in Rand's (trespassing) footsteps in Caemlyn and finds himself riding to the rescue like the Big Damn Hero he keeps claiming not to be.Meanwhile Egwene and...

tDR: Chapters 39-43

Nynaeve and Egwene walk out of the last trap they walked into, then walk into another trap. Luckily, the last trap helps them out with the this trap so they can get ba...

tDR: Chapters 33-38

Perrin gets a love interest! Of course, he hates the whole thing, just like he hates having awesome wolf powers.Meanwhile, Egwene and friends walk into another trap. B...

tDR: Chapters 27-32

Egwene and Nynaeve get a new assignment: go walk into a Black Aja trap. Just like last time. But this time they know it's a trap, so that's better, right?Also, Mat has...

tDR: Chapters 22-26

We finally get to Egwene's test to become Accepted, and we get an intriguing peek into her future. We also find out that Mat has been upgraded with significant staff f...

tDR: Chapters 13-21

A completely Randless episode! Egwene and Nynaeve are given a dangerous mission by the Amyrlin Seat (and a spanking). Plus, Mat finally gets that personality transplan...

tDR: Chapter 6-12

Perrin sets out to chase after Rand (again), and to avoid thinking about his wolf powers (again). But we spend more time with Team Nynaeve in the most yonic of all tow...

tDR: Prologue-Chapter 5

We dive into book 3 of the Wheel of Time! These chapters are mostly recap, but there is some good stuff in here. Like the scene where Perrin gets naked and goes wolf-c...

tGH: Chapters 43-50

What a climax! These last chapters of The Great Hunt deliver on what this book has been promising: heroes, legends, glory! It doesn't make much sense, and the characte...

tGH: Chapters 38-42

This is a very dark set of chapters. Egwene gets a taste of what it's like to live among the Seanchan invaders, and it's an awful experience. It's not much more fun to...

tGH: Chapters 32-37

Rand and his pals get to go to a party! Finally, something nice happens. Then, Rand and his pals get hurled on a terrifying voyage through time and space. So, you know...

tGH: Chapters 26-31

Things are heating up in Cairhien. The reunion with Thom is as welcome as it is brief and we get back to Rand failing upward in the Great Game. Rand's problems are div...

tGH: Chapters 20-25

Another big city! Cairhien is the second major metropolis we've seen, and Rand plunges in, immediately getting up to his neck in local politics. Way to go, Rand. Maybe...

tGH: Chapters 14-19

Rand and his companions travel through another world! A world of giant burned swathes and no life forms. Except for evil ones. Oh yeah, and this lady they meet. She's ...

tGH: Chapters 9-13

Does it still count as the Great Hunt if you already had the Horn but lost it? (oops) Well, some of our heroes are setting off on the hunt anyway. Others are setting o...

tGH: Chapters 5-8

Terror and romance! We get a shot of Robert Jordan's trademark grisly horror reminding us of the stakes on these adventures. Then we get a shot of Robert Jordan's othe...

tGH: Prologue-Chapter 4

 We tear into the Great Hunt, book 2 of the Wheel of Time! There is a lot of throat clearing in these chapters, which is to say that not a lot happens. We do finally g...

tEotW: Chapters 47-53

This is the climactic final episode of season 1 of our podcast, as we cover the climactic final chapters of The Eye of the World! This ocean of foreshadowing finally p...

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